We all have stories or movies that we love to read or watch over and over again. And if you choose to see the deeper meanings to why you can't get enough of these stories then you will experience powerful epiphanies. You will discover the answers you’ve been seeking have always been embedded within your favourite stories or movies.
You may have noticed that throughout this series of motivational tips that some movies come up more than once. It's because these movies have several lessons and messages worthy of being highlighted again and again. In fact it is because of my own experiences of repeat viewings that I am uplifted, motivated and educated on an ongoing basis. It's as if these movies are a unique series of "cinematic textbooks" with life lessons on "How to have the best life on planet earth".
The Ultimate Gift
There is a new movie I discovered that deserves repeat viewings called The Ultimate Gift.
Each challenge represents a life lesson that Jason never embraced because he took his wealthy upbringing for granted. So each challenge helped him to experience a set of lessons that included the gift of friends, the gift of work and the gift of problems.
You get to witness the transformation of this once self-centred young man as he learns each gift the hard way. This film is a perfect blend of Hollywood story telling and powerful personal development lessons. Even during the end credits each gift is highlighted and summarized.
9 Other 'Motivational Textbook' Movies:
Bicentennial Man
This movie features the story of an android with a unique gift of awareness to improve itself on many "human" levels. Lessons include:
• Benefits of self-improvement
• Resilience and perseverance
• Value of family
• Value of one's legacy
• Being in service to others
• For more see tips: #48, #79, #87
Cast Away
This film features the survival of a man on a deserted island for several years. Lessons include:
• Being resourceful
• Letting go
• Optimism
• Power of companionship
• Appreciating the essentials of life
• Soulmates
• For more see tips: #42, #45, #47, #86
Jerry Maguire
This movie begins with the character Jerry Maguire having a breakdown launching him onto a journey of living an authentic life. Sections of the movie are introduced with a motivational tip by Maguire’s mentor. Lessons include:
• Living an authentic life
• Mission statements
• Business ethics
• Believing in something or someone
• Changing a mindset
• Loyalty
• For more see tips: #97
Groundhog Day
This film features the transformation of a mean spirited, self-centred man by exhausting himself of methods that no longer get him what he desires in life.
Lessons include:
• Breaking loops in life you are caught in
• Benefits of thinking of others first
• Benefits of self-improvement
• Finding true love
• Changing a mindset
• For more see tips: #24, #54, #77, #81
Lord of the Rings Trilogy
This epic trio of fantasy movies features a group of diverse individuals and cultures bound by a common goal. Lessons include:
• Dedication to a goal
• Teamwork
• Courage
• Tolerance of differences
• Strength of will and character
• Taking risks
• Resilience and perseverance
• For more see tips: #47, #83, #90
Meet Joe Black
This movie features a dying, wealthy man who discovers what is most valuable and lasting in his life. Lessons include:
• Value of family
• Power of money
• The beauty and joy of simple things in life
• What love is
• Letting go
• For more see tips: #20, #45
Peaceful Warrior
This movie is about a young gymnast who learns the higher purpose of life and achieving success through an unexpected mentor. Lessons include:
• There are no ordinary moments
• It is the journey not the destination that is important
• Being in the moment
• Being in service to others
• Clearing out the junk in your head
• Changing a mindset
• For more see tips: #69, #83, #92, #95
The Pursuit of Happyness
This film is based on a true story of Chris Gardner and how he and his young son overcomes sudden poverty and homelessness. Lessons include:
• Following your passion
• Perseverance
• Belief in oneself
• Building connections
• Faith
• For more see tips: #22, #23, #40, #47, #84
Stranger Than Fiction
This movie is about a rigidly thinking man who learns to take control of his life even if he feels powerless to change it. Along the way he improves the quality of his life and finds love. Lessons include:
• Following your passion
• Letting go of old mindsets
• Taking control of your life
• Appreciating the little things in life
• Faith
• For more see tips: #21, #52, #63, #93
Benefits of Repetition
So remember the repetition of your favourite stories and movies has fantastic benefits beyond just entertainment. You are helping to program your mind to form powerful habits of thinking AND to visualization how to alter your present reality. Therefore it is important to be more conscious of whatever you are reading or watching over and over again.
Ask yourself if the messages are empowering to you. Are the characters you identify with positive role models? Or are the characters representing a negative side of you that keeps you from making positive changes in your life?
Experience your favourite movies, TV shows, plays or novels with new and sharper eyes. Know that you have always been magnetizing the resources and tools you need for a better life from the stories and movies you've always loved.
Emmanuel Lopez
Life Skills & Career Development
© Emmanuel Lopez 2007
"It's a Wonderful Life" is a movie that I love to watch when my life feels sucky.
I haven't see the movie "Secret" but all the others on your list I enjoy watching over and over again...also the Indiana Jones, John Wayne and Little House on the Prairie episodes... to be honest I enjoy movies with quality, not just special effects. (although I enjoy special effects too...)
RESPONSE TO YOUR QUESTION: What movies do I watch that inspire me?
Love your newsletters, Emmanuel! Keep them rolling in!!
Your well-articulated and insightful vignettes continue to remind me to be self conscious and to assess each experience I live through as an opportunity for personal commentary. Even seemingly insignificant incidents need to be acknowledged and added to life’s milieu, and you do this with such clarity and wisdom!
In reply to your question, there are SO many good movies out there – new and older – that can be mentioned that it becomes nearly impossible to narrow the selection to only a few!
However, here are 3 movies that I find somewhat appealing, not only because of their ingenious and unconventional narratives, and their quirky character relationships, but also because they express the depths and heights of the human spirit – the best and the worst that man has to offer. I’ve listed some of the personal qualities that each film explores.
LIFE is BEAUTIFUL (La Vita e bella) starring Roberto Benigni
-maintaining humour and imagination in the face of adversity
-remaining optimistic, despite the chaos around us
-relationships: love, family values, social tolerance
-cherishing childhood innocence (Peter Pan-like analogy)
-thinking of others first: protecting the innocent from the realities of war
-how positive energy neutralizes negativity and inspires those around us
-remembering that despite all the negativity in the world, life IS beautiful.
AMELIE (Le Fabuleaux destin d’Amerlie Poulain) starring Audrey Tautou
-love, family values, humour, and positive energy
-searching for a soulmate
-how positive energy inspires and affects those around us
-helping others see and maintain a “joie de vivre”
-social justice, inclusivity and tolerance of those with challenges
-serving others by helping them find happiness
THE FLYING SCOTSMAN: starring Jonny Lee Miller
-based on a true story
-inspiring rags to riches story
-overcoming the effects of bullying, mental health, poverty, and corporate injustice
-perseverance, focus, belief in oneself does eventually pay off
-deriving strength from the kindness offered by those who believe in us
-staring adversity down and challenging the odds
-aspiring for gold despite the challenges
-satisfaction of having tried to achieve goals, even if things don’t work out
It would be interesting to see what the other students on your mailing list have selected! If you’re compiling a data base from these responses, it'd be neat to read about other movies that are worthy of an evening’s time.
All the best, Emmanuel.
Rita Bolton
(ROM - Spring 2007 Graduate !!)
soon going to watch all of these movies.thanks for sharing this with us Perhaps this is one of my most interesting blogs that I have ever read and keep it up!
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