a person's supposed original or true self, especially when regarded as damaged or concealed by negative childhood experiences
It continues to be an unusually long, dark winter dealing with seasonal affective disorder (SAD). And as I write this icy rain is falling on a grey morning and yet I am so happy to have my two new Himalayan salt lamps on with their warming orange glow warming my home and heart. See photo on my Instagram channel.
I’ve also been following the recommendation of a friend and colleague to explore inner child meditations for about a month now. I immediately followed my intuition and discovered an amazing meditation on Youtube by Kenneth Soares called Inner Child Healing Meditation. His words and voice touched me deeply and have been listening to this 21 minute recording before I sleep and upon waking (Listen here). This is a process I had researched and wrote about in tip#1068.
Since then three uplifting movies synchronistically came into my life that not only helped me cope with SAD symptoms but also provided insights on healing and empowering my inner child. This is the first of these three films.
The Florida Project (2017)
The comedy drama film, The Florida Project, takes place over one summer and follows a precocious six-year-old, Moonee (Brooklynn Prince), her friends, mother Halley (Bria Vinaite) and Bobby (Willem Dafoe), manager of The Magic Castle Motel they live at. This lively film is filled with childhood wonder, hilarious mischief, highly emotional moments and many truly extraordinary performances by all the actors. See: movie trailer
What I can say is that the characters and adventures they go on felt so real that it triggered my own happy memories as a child. It reminded me that every day can be an adventure. It reminded of my love for The Little Rascals TV show I loved growing up. And it encouraged me to continue following my indestructible optimism in the face of life challenges and times of depression, winter blues and SAD symptoms.
Inspiring Themes:
• Passion
• Resilience
• Indestructible Optimism
• Supportive Relationships
• Power of Community
• Childlike Imagination & Play
I later watched interviews with the cast and all their positive energy and enthusiasm from the film was truly who they are in real life, especially Brooklynn Prince! It was also inspiring to know that this was Bria Vinaite’s first time acting and was discovered by co-writer/director Sean Baker from her Instagram channel. I am surprised these two actresses weren’t nominated for Oscars! In the end I am so happy and grateful I discovered this very special film and glad I could share it with you.
Sometimes in order to move forward in life it’s necessary to pause and check in with your inner child that may be stuck in the past. Movies can help re-energize and re-vitalize the best of your childhood. You can then re-ignite and bring inner strength to the present to break through whatever is blocking your path. At the very least these empowering films can lift your dark days with the childhood magic and sunlight shining from its characters!
Related Tips:
Tip#906: Connecting with Your Inner Child, Part 1 - Top 10 Movies
Tip#909: Connecting with Your Inner Child, Part 2 - The Little Prince
Tip#917: Connecting with Your Inner Child, Part 3 - Joy
Tip#928: Connecting with Your Inner Child, Part 4 - Hector and the Search for Happiness
Tip#1082: Connecting with Your Inner Child, Part 5 - The Florida Project
Tip#1083: Connecting with Your Inner Child, Part 6 – I, Tonya
Tip#1084: Connecting with Your Inner Child, Part 7 - Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle
Tip#494: Keep Childlike Wonder Alive - Steve Jobs – Real Steel
Tip#422: Keep Your Playful Imagination Alive – Imagine That
• READ: Top 10 Inspiring Movies for Managing Depression
• READ: Emmanuel & Depression featured in The Toronto Star
• LISTEN: Emmanuel's CBC Radio Interview on Movie Messages of Hope: The Fresh Air Show
• WATCH: Uplifting Movie Montage produced by Emmanuel Lopez!
• DISCOVER: 8 Creative Tools for Motivation & Depression
Remember How Movies Can Help You:
A) Entertain & Escape
B) Re-energize & Release
C) Inspiration & Motivation

Emmanuel Lopez-Motivatorman
Motivational Speaker
Discover How Movies Inspire, Motivate & Empower You!
See website: www.motivatorman.com
© Emmanuel Lopez 2018
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