When unexpected change or crisis hits it can wipe out your self-confidence and self-worth. That's why it is key to develop an indestructible mindset of optimism and resilience.
I've been watching some of the Vancouver Winter Olympics and was surprised to see someone fall in almost every performance in the pairs figure skating finals. What amazed me most was how they always picked themselves up and continued with full confidence intact. And despite the falls China went on to win both Gold and Silver.
This reminded me of a favourite quote by Winston Churchhill, "Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm." For those going through career transitions this mindset can mean the difference between sinking into a depression and finding the strength to move forward.
Seabiscuit 2003
The movie Seabiscuit
Seabiscuit is actually one of three characters that have had challenging lives. They include Red Pollard (Toby Maguire) a struggling jockey almost blind in one eye, Charles Howard (Jeff Bridges) pushing through the depression of losing his young son to an automobile accident and Tom Smith (Chris Cooper) a homeless but gifted horse trainer.
All four characters have gifts that could have been submerged or ignored because of the negative situations they found themselves in. But somehow they all find each other and nurture those skill sets in one another. Together they achieve great successes.
So when you find your self-confidence slip into self-doubt do your best to remind yourself of your value. Remember your past successes and times you made a difference for others. If you are in a career transition take a look at your resume and acknowledge your track record of achievements.
Recognize your self-worth. Celebrate your past successes today because it is your fuel to take you to a positive future. Build that indestructible mindset of optimism and resilience now.
"You don't throw away a whole life just 'cause it's banged up a little."
Emmanuel Lopez-Motivatorman
Motivational Specialist
For Individuals & Organizations
© Emmanuel Lopez 2010
I think this is a great movie. It is clearly a great film to demonstrate how to overcome adversity. I look forward to your blog each week.
Russ Faulkner
Your Training Team, LLC
Thanks for your encouraging comment Russ.
I just saw your own video on the leadership messages of the movie Seabiscuit. I invite others to check it out:
This was exactly what I needed today, Emmanuel! Thanks for inspiring a boost of enthusiasm...
Never give up because we all have what it takes to make our dreams come true!
Steph @ Live Lighter.org
Hello Steph,
Glad this article gave you a boost of enthusiasm!
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