Sometimes I feel like I've been in a long waiting period for the financial goals I want to achieve in my career. But I know that I have been focused on making the most of my current resources AND the lessons life is teaching me. I've been activating my resourceful mindset.
I recently gave a seminar for executives in career transition at a Toronto networking organization called HAPPEN. The presentation was called "The Bright Side of Career Transitions" where I shared the positives of being in that "waiting period". For most it is not a pleasant situation to be in and yet it allows individuals the gift of time to develop a positive and resourceful mindset.
It is a chance to take inventory of all the existing contacts that can support and assist you. And it's an opportunity to develop new skill sets that will be of great benefit for future opportunities.
The Terminal
The movie The Terminal
You witness how he learns to earn money in order to eat and how he lives within a part of the terminal still under construction. You witness how he develops supportive new connections and friends as they help one another achieve certain goals.
Navorkski demonstrates how resourceful one can be in a seemingly impossible situation to survive in. It was his resourceful mindset that helped remain positive during his months of waiting AND later inspires countless employees within the airport terminal.
So if you are in a career transition or feeling you are caught in an unwanted "waiting period" do your best to focus on the hidden gifts. Recognize this as a chance to take inventory of the opportunities right in front of you.
Recognize the supportive contacts that are right under your nose. Use the time to get re-energized and to re-assess your goals. And see this gift of time as a chance to improve or develop new skill sets.
Activate your resourceful mindset and you will enjoy the upside of your down time!
See more info under "Keynotes & Seminars: Here
Emmanuel Lopez-Motivatorman
Motivational Specialist For Professionals
Your Motivational Wingman!
© Emmanuel Lopez 2009
This sounds like a good movie with a great message. I can certainly relate to the "waiting period" and I have been surprised at how resourceful I've been in less than optimal circumstances. In all honesty, I think it's kinda fun to create new resources where it seemed there were none. It's very mind-expanding and breeds hope and optimism for me.
Good! I love this film, and this is so right!
Hi Sheri and JeanD! Thanks for your comments about The Terminal. It gets better and better the more you watch it.
Sheri totally has the right idea by making a frustrating situation FUN! It was what helped me lose a pile of weight and get healthy.
Turning a challenge into an opportunity is an amazing ability that everyone has the potential to do. Good leaders have this down pat.
Excellent post, Emmanuel. I loved the movie and especially your closing line: "Activate your resourceful mindset and you will enjoy the upside of your down time!"
wow, to be honest I thought this movie looked very silly. but after redaing your review, I think I may check it out. This might be just the thing I need to watch.
Hi Candice, glad you are open to checking out The Terminal movie. There are movies I never thought I'd like but when highly recommended sometimes discover a great new movie.
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