I am going through one of the biggest career challenges since starting this blog almost 3 years ago. This is my "Field of Dreams"
My story started about 8 weeks ago in the midst of my current financial challenges when someone recommended I arrange a workshop to generate immediate cash flow. An inner voice told me that this was the answer I was looking for and began creating this event. I would offer my popular workshop to professionals called How To Press Play When You’re Stuck On Pause.
I was resistant but my gut was saying I needed to give this workshop within 10 days. Amazingly I found an ideal space in the heart of downtown Toronto within 8 hours. And I started promoting the workshop as best as I could. I discovered that friends and colleagues around me were quick to help in any way they could.
Just 2 days before the event I had only 2 people signed up but wasn't worried. At first I needed this event to generate immediate income and instead I focused on how I could help others even if, in the end, there were only 2 people.
Field of Dreams
The movie Field of Dreams
Ray persevered with this crazy idea even at the expense of what others thought and the money he and his family were losing. Even on the eve of foreclosure he refused to sell the farm simply because his daughter and a supporter reminded Ray that "people will come".
The magic of the movie is that people did indeed come and, in my case, a total of 8 attendees paid for my workshop. And like Ray's magic baseball field, my workshop helped empower and uplift the people drawn to what I had to offer. And news of the positive difference I made for these 8 professionals has already started to spread out into the world.
People Will Come
So if you hear an inner voice guiding you to create, build or do something special and yet frightened by the idea remember my story and the movie Field of Dreams.
You will also learn how to become more resourceful than ever and magnetize the people who will help make your dreams and goals come true. It all begins with trusting your inner voice and then believing with all your heart and soul you are on the right path!
During October I will be blogging only on Sundays in order to focus on new, exciting Motivatorman services!
Emmanuel Lopez-Motivatorman
Motivational Specialist
Your Motivational Wingman!
© Emmanuel Lopez 2009
oooh this is a great choice to review! Thos movie was so inspiring and moving at the same time.
Thanks for the enthusiastic comment Candice! I could feel your positive energy about Field of Dreams just reading your message!
Thanks for sharing and thank you for being you, positive and making a difference to the world. I sure have benefited from your motivation talks through out 2008 and 2009. Your messages have inspired me to reach for higher ground and inner happiness.
Hey motivational man.
I attend your workshop with my friend beause i felt compelled to hear what you had to say since i felt i was stuck on pause. Its true it was an eyeopener and now I look forward to your literature .
keep up the great work.
Aklima H.
Keep doing what you are doing. You are very inspirational. I recommended the Blue Butterfly to a girl friend of mine and it really impacted her moving her to tears. I would never have known about that movie if it hadn't been for you.
Loved this movie as much as I did your workshop, Emmanuel!
You really have something special to share with others and I trust that you'll always keep that in mind during the challenges.
Keep building your field of dreams - I believe in you!
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