Sometimes when you are stuck in life the best thing you can do is be still. And when your mind is quiet that is when you can hear the answers you seek.
Since the beginning of this year of 2008 I have been faced with uncertain aspects of my future. I had experienced sudden epiphanies about where to take my motivational services which meant altering my original plans from last year. I felt stuck.
Thankfully one of the ongoing messages I'd been receiving from friends and many synchronistic encounters has been to be still and just listen.
August Rush
Taking this passive action has led me on a new path of living in the moment and for listening deeper within for wherever the universe was leading me. And just yesterday it led me to see a magical movie called August Rush.
I had already planned to see this film but almost all the reviews I read were not positive. Part of me wanted to listen to the reviews while another part wanted to trust my gut and just see it. Well the universe made sure I saw this movie because when I arrived at the theatre my alternate film choice was suddenly taken off the listings!
The main character of August Rush
The reviews pummeled the film because it was not realistic but its optimistic qualities were exactly what my soul and spirit needed to see. August Rush
Be Still
The message of the movie was, synchronistically, about being still and listening to everything around you. At the end of the screening the audience applauded with enthusiasm. Applause was rare these days so it looks like I wasn't the only one touched by this movie.
So if you are feeling stuck in life try being still and listening to the universe. Quiet your mind from the noise around you or the chatter of tasks piled in your head. This is what meditation is all about. By clearing your mind you create an empty space for answers to pour into.
Be still and know that messages are wanting to come to you. All you have to do is listen.
Emmanuel Lopez
Silverlining Specialist & Motivational Wingman
© Emmanuel Lopez 2008
Dear Emmanuel,
I saw this movie too. I felt it was one I ought to own. The music was beautiful and I am moved always by those movies that showcase characters that have to find eachother amongst all the road blocks that stand in their way. "Heaven" "the Lake House" and others. The part that struck me the most when his father comes upon August in the square. They talk and play and well, you just want to scream!!!! It's your dad! I think what I took from this movie as well was the true and utter belief in something. For August it was knowing he would find his parents. For you and me well, that would be something different. Keep up the great work!
Heather G.
Hi Emmanuel, you have a knack for really getting the point of the movie. I saw the movie and the scenes when you felt him opening himself to hearing the sounds of the universe and then responding with the most incredible guitar playing were really incredible.
I sent you an email a while back (I was the one that sent it in HUGE font and blue letters so it was hard to read :<) I told you how impressed I was by you and your blog. Your blogs seem to coincide with my life, which I am grateful for. They help me so much. And I can't help but think how many others are there that feel the same way? Are we going through similar experiences at the same time? Or is everyone just experiencing life and we can all relate to what you are saying? Interesting......
Anyway, I love reading what you have to say!
You are the most positive person I know even when down in the dumps or while taking lumps...
Chin up, happy face,
helping people all over the place...
Derek L.
Thank you for this beautiful note and recommendation. I'm can hardly wait to see this movie. You are very inspiring.
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