I love taking photos and have been doing it all my life. I love capturing the moment because I am so aware they will never come back. In high school I was the yearbook editor and editor-in-chief where my focus was to create a book that would be meaningful decades later. I also have a passion for posting my photos on Instagram to help people dealing with depression and remind them of the joys in life through uplifting images of food, friends and movie recommendations. See Instagram: The Film Food Friends Project
Click image of Promo Graphics to enlarge
And now, thanks to my friend Lynn, I was inspired to create a new service called Promo Graphics where I custom design graphics that can be used to promote a service, a message or used as a memorial. It excites me to be able to help others to tell their stories! See details: Promo Graphics
The Visit (2015)
The horror, comedy, drama film, The Visit, is shot in the style of found footage and is about two young siblings Becca (Olivia BeJonge) and Tyler (Ed Oxenbould) who spend a week with their grandparents Nana (Deanna Dunagan) and Pop Pop (Peter McRobbie). This movie is a unique balance of frightening and funny sequences that will keep you riveted to the mysteries that unfold. See: movie trailer
What is intriguing is the use of the found footage style of storytelling. You'll witness how the brother and sister each overcome personal adversities coming from the scary situation they are trapped in. And yet no matter what happens they continue to video record the story they wanted to tell from the very beginning. They realize the importance of documenting their experience, good or bad, which is what you are watching.
Inspiring themes:
• Perseverance
• Resilience
• Creative Expression
• Documenting Experiences & Stories
• Supportive Relationships
Documentary films, written biographies and photos document stories and legacies of people still living or that have passed. Make sure you are documenting the best of who you are because your legacy may inspire future generations of family, friends or people you may never meet around the world. Your story right now is worth documenting!
Related Tips:
Tip#124: The Power In Documenting, Part 1 - Cloverfield
Tip#895: The Power In Documenting, Part 2 - The Visit
Tip#189: Storytelling Will Lift You Up – The Fall
Tip#671: Be Inspired by Amazing True Stories, Part 1 - Stories We Tell
Remember How Movies Can Help You:
A) Entertain & Escape
B) Re-energize & Release
C) Insights, Inspiration & Epiphanies

Emmanuel Lopez-Motivatorman
Motivational Speaker & Resilience Expert
Discover How Movies Inspire Resilience in Your Work & Life!
See website: www.motivatorman.com
© Emmanuel Lopez 2015
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