I even prayed to my Dad who passed away years ago. Within a day, as I was walking along a street, I found a shiny dime and felt a warm rush flow over me. As I’ve written before, whenever I find a dime in public it is a divine sign that my Dad’s spirit is with me (Tip#145 and Tip#313). I felt my faith and optimism rise at that beautiful moment. At the same time I believe God led me to see a new movie that touched my heart and transformed by state of mind.
Unconditional (2012)
The drama Unconditional is about a children’s book writer and illustrator named Samantha Crawford (Lynn Collins) struggling with the death of her husband. The film is also based on the story of Joe Bradford (Michael Ealy) who helped underprivileged children despite having a painful kidney disease. These two were childhood friends who find each other again and help one another persevere. See: movie trailer
The life lessons in this movie were powerful reminders I had prayed for and I had a good cathartic cry at the end. I could feel the tears releasing the heaviness inside me and re-activate my indestructible optimism once again. And though this is referred to as a Christian film it never feels preachy about God. All the performances, especially the kids, are amazing and heartfelt. If you are feeling hopelessness and despair I highly recommend this as your movie prescription.
Dark times can sometimes hide your own indestructible optimism. If praying helps you through then pray. If you are led to seeing a movie be open to the life lessons it will give you. Do whatever it takes to re-activate your faith and optimism! You can do it!
Related Tips (Shiny Dimes Stories):
Tip#145: Believe in the Impossible - Ghost
Tip#313: Believe In Magic During The Holidays - The Family Stone
Tip#638: Praying, Faith & Indestructible Optimism - Unconditional
Tip#714: Praying, Faith & Indestructible Optimism, Part 2 - It’s a Wonderful Life, Colorized
Tip#665: Your Greatness, Purpose & Focus – Man of Steel
Tip#740: The Timeless Love of a Dad, Dog & Son - Mr. Peabody & Sherman
Remember How Movies Can Help You:
A) Entertain & Escape
B) Re-energize & Release
C) Insights, Epiphanies & AHA moments
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Emmanuel Lopez-Motivatorman
Author | Speaker | Movie Blogger
Personal & Professional Development Through Movies
See website: www.motivatorman.com
© Emmanuel Lopez 2013
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