Sunday, February 01, 2009

Tip#227: Repeat A Better Story For Yourself - Groundhog Day

Once again my trust in going with the flow has paid off. Since returning Jan. 1st from my month long vacation in the US I was not motivated to dive right into my work. I was compelled to just focus on listening to 2 audio books over and over again.

One was Think and Grow Rich: The 21st-Century Updated Edition (see tip#221) and the other was Money and the Law of Attraction. Listening to these on my iPod earphones I could actually feel the information go directly into my brain reprogramming a new and improved mindset!

Then suddenly, in the last week of January, synchronicity led me to 3 major events. Or perhaps my new revved up magnetic mindset activated the law of attraction for goals I set up back in December.

Either way this past week I first found myself in front of speaker James Ray from the movie The Secret as he gave a free seminar in Toronto. The next day I attended the HRPA Trade Show where I made some amazing business contacts connected to the Human Resources industry to share my motivational services with.

Eckhart Tolle's Story

The crème de la crème of the week was getting front row seats for the live studio interview of spiritual teacher Eckhart Tolle on CBC TV's The Hour Show. It was a surreal experience being face to face with the author of The Power of Now and A New Earth. Oprah helped bring Tolle to the world via a 10 session online discussion. See tip#155

In his interview Tolle talked about his turning point when he was depressed and wanted to commit suicide one night. He had told himself he just couldn't live with himself anymore. That's when he realized that it was only his thoughts that kept repeating a story that he didn't want.

He realized that repetitive mental thoughts had built a prison for him and that he had the power to change his story. After that fateful night he found a purpose to live.

Tolle's story reminded me of what my own path from depression had been like. I realized that I could create new positive stories to replace old, repeating stories that had taken over my mind.

Groundhog Day

As I write this, tomorrow is Groundhog Day so this is a perfect movie to mirror the positive messages by Tolle. In the film, Phil Connors was magically forced to live the same day over and over again. He soon becomes depressed and suicidal because he felt he could not free himself from this form of prison.

It was only when he surrendered to his situation that he began to live in the moment. By not dwelling on the past or worry about the future Connors began to live fully in the present. He learned to play the piano, be more helpful to others and transformed into a more loving, thoughtful man for the woman he loved.

He created a new and improved story he kept repeating day after day. And soon he was truly free of the times he once looked at as his prison.

A Happier Life

So be inspired to create a better story for yourself. Train your mind to let go of old stories keeping your mind in prison. Be inspired by Tolle's message to create a new story for yourself that excites you. And keep repeating your vision of a happier life story and soon that story will become reality.

See more of my photos of Eckhart Tolle on Facebook: click here

Click on following tips for more Groundhog Daymovie tips:
Tip#24: See Groundhog Day over and over and over...
Tip#54: Recognize Your Secret Training
Tip#77: The Power In Repetition
Tip#81: Synchronicities With Street Kids
Tip#96: Favourite Stories Energize
Tip#127: More Groundhog Day Movie Lessons

Emmanuel Lopez
Motivational Specialist
© Emmanuel Lopez 2009


  1. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Good that you got to see and hear Eckhart! I've been listening to a new earth in the car - so much better than the news!

    I might just rent this film tonight. Thanks for all the work you do to inspire us!


  2. Anonymous8:34 AM

    Nice piece Emmanuel...I'm forwarding it on.


  3. My favourite line of your post is 'live in the moment'. Too often I find myself trying to get to the future and loosing sight of what is going on around me right now. Thanks
