Sunday, January 04, 2009

Tip#219: Celebrate Your Inner Wealth - Titanic

Did you start your New Year with a bang? Did you celebrate your inner wealth even if your financial life is not where you want it right now?

I spent the first day of 2009 celebrating in a fantastic new French restaurant in Toronto called MoRoCo Chocolat. Even the name sounds scrumptious! My friend, the "Scone Queen" (see tip#111: Celebrate Food!), recommended it and felt like a great way to launch a new year full of exciting possibilities and abundance.

The MoRoCo Chocolat mission is to create a divine sensory experience and that's exactly what my friend and I had. The setting was luxurious and our delicious omelettes brought out our inner royalty. We toasted to 2009 with a champagne cocktail and let positive emotional energy flow out our smiles and laughter.


Soon after I was compelled to watch the movie Titanic showing on TV. I'd seen it many times before but realized there was a synchronistic reason for it. It had to do with Jack, played by Leonardo DiCaprio, and his invitation to fine dining on the wealthy level of the ship.

On the ship Jack was classified as poor but enjoyed learning the etiquette of the richer class and to dress and walk the part. And then at the dining table, full of wealthy couples, he exuded self-confidence and resilient self-worth while discussing his poverty lifestyle.

Even when attacked for his lifestyle he remained optimistic and shared his philosophy that each day is about "making it count". He said that attitude led him to winning a ticket to the ship and then to having a delicious dinner with them all on the upper levels of the Titanic. They then toasted in agreement to Jack's speech.

True Richness

I saw myself in Jack in that scene. He reminded me that true richness starts from within. His honesty and confidence inspired me that my financial goals in 2009 will come true as long as I maintain Jack's positive attitude within my own heart.

That movie scene made me think about my amazing New Year's day at MoRoCo Chocolat. There was positive energy in the air and, of course, delcious chocolate! My friend and I shared a dessert of handmade truffles made from pure Valrhona Chocolate from France. Mmmmmmm. Yes it was truly a divine sensory experience!

So do something special for your New Year that will boost your positive emotional energy. Treat yourself to your favourite chocolate or to a restaurant you've always wanted to go. Do something that will activate your self-worth.

Activate that inner wealth inside you and know that this energy will magnetize your desires in 2009. Believe it!

Emmanuel Lopez
Motivational Specialist
© Emmanuel Lopez 2009


  1. Anonymous9:08 AM

    Happly New Year 2009. Hope your good fortune multiply ten times ten.


  2. Anonymous9:13 AM

    Hi Emmanuel,

    Great to hear that you celebrated New Year's Eve accompanied by excellent surroundings and people. I wish you all the best for this Year and thank you for all suggested movies and your comments. I watched quite a few of them so far and they are really inspiring, especially Red Belt and Pleasantville.

    Anne T.

  3. Anonymous8:35 AM

    Thanks, Emmanuel, that was great!


    All the best,

  4. Anonymous4:09 PM

    I was reading about the foods which make the brain work best. Lots of complex carbs and protein from nuts. . .This time of year you should really look after yourself in addition to keeping positive and motivated. This includes proven dietary elements and enough sunlight in this gloomy and SAD time of year. I say it works for me and I want to share it with everyone else. PS nuts are delicious, especially with chocolate!!!
