Sunday, March 09, 2008

Tip#137: Nurture Good Friends - As Good As It Gets

Yesterday was Saturday and we had another big snowstorm here in Toronto. Snow had been falling since Friday afternoon and by yesterday early morning it was still coming down hard.

But that didn't stop me from having a regular coffee get together with my friend and "computer tech guru" (see tip#83). I was looking forward to our meeting so much that I didn't mind trudging through the snow filled sidewalks of Queen St. West with winds blowing chunks of snow shards into my face.

It was worth it because our conversations are always energizing, inspiring and often leads to inner growth for both of us. We also share a quest for doing good in the world and are very supportive of one another. So over hot cups of Starbucks coffee the warmth of this get together melted away any of the blocks of snow that would have kept us from our weekly meeting.

The snow continued to fall all day and once again didn't stop me from trudging through the deepening snow for a dinner meeting with another friend. She was the "scone queen" I introduced in tip#111: Celebrate Food and our conversations are always filled with sharing our passion for food and how it nourishes the soul on many dimensions.

And, of course, this gourmet chef's delicious Mediterranean pasta dish she served took our spirits away into warmer parts of the world for the evening!

A Knight's Tale

There are many movies about friendship and one that comes to mind is A Knight's Tale. It stars the late Heath Ledger and is about five individuals with different strengths and talents to support one another. They all have a common goal and they are not only friends but also allies one could count on in times of trouble.

As Good As It Gets

Another friendship movie is As Good As It Getswhich stars Jack Nicholson, Helen Hunt and Greg Kinnear. It truly celebrates how different people can be and yet able to bond deeply by speaking their truths and trusting in what each has to say. They end up helping each other face their fears in life.

So nurture those relationships you consider friends. Be allies for one another. Strive for making them unconditional friendships and as honest as possible. Most of all celebrate every time you can see each other. There is something so powerful from being face to face and sharing an energizing conversation.

Emmanuel Lopez
Silverlining Specialist & Motivational Wingman
© Emmanuel Lopez 2008

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