Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Tip#136: Persevere With Passion - 2 Movie Tips

Persevere is defined as: to persist in anything undertaken; maintain a purpose in spite of difficulty, obstacles, or discouragement; continue steadfastly.

As I write this there is another snowstorm outside my window this morning. The snowflakes are huge and whiting out the buildings around me. This winter has been a long one here in Toronto but I am making the most of it as mentioned in last tip#135.

The Day After Tomorrow

The snowstorm makes me think about the movie, The Day After Tomorrowthat I wrote about recently in tip#133 This Is Your Wake Up Call. The film stars Dennis Quaid as Jack a climatologist and father to Jake Gyllenhaal's character, Sam. In the story global warming has initiated another ice age putting cities all around the world into a deep freeze.

Through passion and perseverance Jack travels through a blizzard from Washington DC to New York City where Sam is trapped. Jack starts off in a truck and later forced to trudge through the snow with snowshoes and gear. It took time but eventually he achieves his goal to rescue Sam. It is his love for his son that fueled his drive to keep moving forward.

The Pursuit of Happyness

It is this similar theme of perseverance that permeates the true life story of Chris Gardner in the movie The Pursuit of Happyness. It was his passion for his son and for wanting to become a stockbroker that fueled Gardner's perseverance when they were homeless and broke. Read more tips about this movie: Click here

So let these movies inspire you to look at your own passions to fuel your perseverance in life. Identify what your passions are. Then feel that positive energy and push through the snowstorms in your life. Stay focused on what is most important in your heart. To persevere is to believe in your passions and then taking action.

And even if it's just taking one small step at a time know that you are doing exactly what you are suppose to be doing. Persevere with passion!

Emmanuel Lopez
Silverlining Specialist & Motivational Wingman
© Emmanuel Lopez 2008

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:53 PM

    Wow! I just logged on2 ur perseverance blog above...thanx!!!

    Ur r a positve beam of light...thanx 4 spreading the up...up & away virus... seems i'm on my way...i luv it when i'm about to take off on a cool journey!!

    Thanx mucho!!!

    J. :-) !!! ~ ...
