Sunday, December 23, 2007

Tip#115: Gifts from Heaven - Field of Dreams - Frequency

Answers to life's problems can come from unexpected sources. Keep an open mind and they may even arrive from a place called heaven!

Recently I'd been feeling a little down. My thoughts had been dwelling on my father who had passed away a few years ago around this time before Christmas. Also the holidays were magnifying other things I didn't have in my life like financial freedom and a soul mate to share the holidays with.

But on the day of the anniversary of my dad's passing something amazing happened. Feeling sad that day I had sent a prayer out to my dad letting him know I missed him and asked for a little help here on earth. I didn't wait long at all.

Just hours later I discovered audio recordings of the book, Rich Dad, Poor Dadby Robert Kiyosaki. I felt compelled to listen to the tapes and my spirit immediately filled with light and excitement. It was amazing serendipity and I believed this was a gift from my dad in heaven.

This true story by Kiyosaki was deeply inspiring. He simply told the story of how his father was a well educated man but died poor whereas he was taught how to be financially intelligent by his friend's rich father since the age of 9. The insights from the supplemental parenting helped Kiyosaki achieve a rich state of mind and fantastic financial freedom.

I could feel surging and rewiring inside my brain as I listened to Kiyosaki's messages. I felt like I was downloading new ideas and new life and career directions that my soul craved just before the new year.

"Your mind is your greatest asset."

This quote from Rich Dad, Poor Dadwas a key message for me. I felt like this whole book was an early Christmas gift from my father. The synchronicity and irony being the title of this book and a strong feeling that my father was teaching me right now what I needed to know through the wisdom of these other fathers.

The book's ideas got me excited about life again and I could feel my passion and optimistic, positive energy re-igniting. I knew now this was the next phase of my personal development for changing my limiting thoughts about money, old paradigms and childhood programming.


There are 2 powerful movies that explore the idea of one's father giving their sons gifts from heaven. The movie Frequencystars Jim Caviezel who is able to magically talk to his dead father, played by Dennis Quaid, via an old CB radio. It was deeply touching to watch a long lost father give advice, love and encouragement to his son from another time and space.

Field of DreamsMovie

The other film is Field of Dreamsstarring Kevin Costner who follows a voice in his head that leads him on a journey to reconnect with his father who had passed away years before. "If you build it, he will come." This is the message he hears and by trusting in it, no matter how strange the situation, he is rewarded for his unshakable faith.

Both sons received profound gifts from their fathers. These movies helped me believe my own father had heard my prayers for help and sent me exactly what I needed just before Christmas this year. Merry Christmas Dad and thank you!

So believe that gifts can come to you from any place. Believe that loved ones who are no longer in the physical still exist and are as real as ever. Believe they are now your angels able to hear your calls for help or messages of love. They are with you right now.

Happy Holidays to you and all your loved ones!

Emmanuel Lopez
Silverlining Specialist & Motivational Wingman
© Emmanuel Lopez 2007


  1. Anonymous6:45 AM



  2. Anonymous12:18 PM

    I've been reading your motivational tips... especially those about your sadness at the loss of your dad a few years back. My mum passed away Nov 30 and I miss her... but I am blessed to have had the joy of her presence in my life and to have had her love and support. Now I will hope she's looking out for me.

    Merry Christmas. May your new year be a joyous one.


  3. Anonymous9:15 PM

    Hope your enjoying the holidays, just thought I'd mentioned how your discussion about the book rich dad, poor dad came at a time when I was looking for direction for the new year.

    Ironically two other sources have since mentioned the book to me and I now believe my attitudes and beliefs about money and finances need an overhaul.

    Love the motivational tips, keep them comin....

    Happy New Year!

