Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Tip#977: Remember Your Indestructible Optimism, Part 4 - Me Before You

It takes time to train yourself to develop indestructible optimism so you can successfully face unexpected problems at work or in life. My own training put me to the test recently when I found a black & white stray cat that passed away in the garden of the home I am house sitting for the summer.

I’d never had to deal with a dead animal before and it was shocking at first. Then my optimistic mindset activated and reminded me that this would be a learning experience and everything would be fine. I immediately remembered I had a friend who was an expert on cats so I contacted her. She recommended I call 311 Animal Services which I did after I notified the homeowners. The service told me I needed to bag the cat and then leave in front near the curb for pick up within 48 hours.

Though having to touch this poor dead cat was emotional I focused on accomplishing the task, said a little prayer and bagged it as carefully as I could. I then put a label on the plastic bag for Toronto Animal Services as I was advised. Only thing was, I was worried that raccoons would get into the bag since it was now getting dark. And 48 hours was a long time.

So I did some online research on safe repellents and discovered that mint and Epsom salts were excellent. Thankfully this home and garden had an abundance of both. So I crushed some of the mint leaves inside the 3 sets of plastic bags and spread mint leaves and Epsom salts on top and around the bag. It ended up looking like a little shrine.

Thankfully Animal Services came at 1:40am and I went out to meet the woman who commented on how nice the bag smelled of mint. And no raccoons in sight! In the end I was glad to help give this cat a more loving goodbye. He looked so sad and alone when I first saw him so I was happy I could honor a cat I never knew.

My indestructible optimism got me through this problem and I learned so much about calling 311 Toronto, safe repellents for raccoons and mostly about my own courage, compassion and care for a deceased animal close to home.

A flower for the cat I never knew from the garden it chose for it's final moments.

Me Before You (2016)

The romantic drama film, Me Before You, is about cheerful and quirky Louisa Clark (Emilia Clarke) who takes on a job as a caregiver for Will Traynor (Sam Claflin), a wealthy young banker left paralyzed from an accident. There are many life lessons in this engaging drama sprinkled with funny moments. See: movie trailer

Louisa is brimming with positive emotional energy and demonstrates an optimistic mindset when faced with the pessimistic, negativity coming from Will. You can see her radiant personality and positive attitude shine though in all the vibrant, kooky clothes she wears and the joyful expressions on her face. Her passion for life is overflowing in every scene. She is like a battery charged with sunshine for Will to re-energize from!

In return, Louisa finds many silver linings within the conflicts she experiences working and living with Will. She learns more about finding courage to make a better life for herself. Louisa ends up being a wonderful cinematic role model for indestructible optimism!

Inspiring Themes:
• Passion
• Perseverance
• Resilience
Indestructible Optimism
• Resourcefulness
• Supportive Relationships
• Surrender
• Dealing with death

It’s important to note that this film has received a backlash from the disability community on a number of points that could affect your feelings about the film. And yet this is another example to test your own indestructible optimism and focus on the silver lining from this or any other film you are interested in seeing. And just like Louisa you will discover hidden gems of personal learnings within the negatives of a film.

Problems in life or at work can overwhelm you if you let it. That’s why learning to activate indestructible optimism can help you manage any challenge that blocks your path. These challenges are your training! Let cinematic role models show you what optimism looks like and mirror your own strengths and potential. There is always a silver lining to find. Focus on believing in this today!

Related Tips:
Tip#200: How To Build Indestructible Optimism - Top 9 Movie Tips 
Tip#593: Remember Your Indestructible Optimism, Part 1 - Argo
Tip#904: Remember Your Indestructible Optimism, Part 2 – Depression - The 33
Tip#974: Remember Your Indestructible Optimism, Part 3 - Ghostbusters 2016 
Tip#977: Remember Your Indestructible Optimism, Part 4 - Me Before You 
Tip#998: Top 20 Movies on How To Activate Indestructible Optimism! 

Top Inspiring Women in the Movies:
15 Films for Leadership at Work & in Life
The latest eBook by Emmanuel Lopez: Click Here

MOVIE MESSAGES OF HOPE: Fresh Air Show 14 minutes

Remember How Movies Can Help You: 
A) Entertain & Escape 
B) Re-energize & Release 
C) Inspiration & Motivation

Emmanuel Lopez-Motivatorman
The Movies-For-Motivation Speaker
Discover How Movies Inspire Resilience & Indestructible Optimism
See website:

© Emmanuel Lopez 2016

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