Sunday, June 26, 2016

Tip#968: Strong Women in the Movies, Part 5 - Erin Brockovich

I wish I could convey the fantastic feeling I get whenever I’m on stage and I see eyes light up when I share something inspiring or motivational. It’s a surge of positive emotional energy that flows almost like a shot of caffeine! This happened at a recent keynote presentation I gave for CAWEE, Canadian Association of Women Executives and Entrepreneurs.

The topic I spoke on was “Top Inspiring Women in the Movies” and focused on three films, Erin Brockovich, Julie & Julia and Joy to discuss their inspiring themes of confidence, passion, resilience, leadership, team spirit and indestructible optimism. Afterwards I had some heartfelt talks with audience members who thanked me for sharing stories of my experience with clinical depression and how movies helped me cope. They said it helped them to better understand the loved ones in their lives, especially men, dealing with mental illness.

"The audience was so connected and moved that you could have heard a pin drop when Emmanuel Lopez shared how movies inspire. I recommend Emmanuel as a gifted and honest speaker to any group who would benefit from his unique perspective and candid life lessons." 
Laural Carr, Creative Director, Imagination
CAWEE, Event Coordinator

“Emmanuel’s words struck a chord for us because he was able to describe so clearly how he had successfully transformed his passions into life lessons. His ideas offer support for those who need encouragement to put joy back into their lives.” 
Georgina Patko, Resource Development
Progress Place, Recovery Centre for Mental Illness

"Hearing how Emmanuel Lopez used films truly rejuvenated my love of movies. It's always been a source of therapy for me but he’s further reframed this for me! Having had my own black out and paralysis episodes during my burnout, his message and story truly hit home." 
Crystal-Marie Sealy, President & Founder

Dr. Margaret Wehrenberg & Movies

Healing from difficult times and depression can begin when personal stories touch someone’s heart whether they are about successes or challenges that were experienced. That’s why movies can be so empowering and therapeutic. Dr. Margaret Wehrenberg, author of The 10 Best-Ever Depression Management Techniques, wrote a wonderful article for Psychology Today called Lighten Up Your Depression With a Movie. In it she echoes the same powerful results I’ve experienced with films in difficult times. See: article

Among the many insights she shares Dr. Wehrenberg says that some movies… “can make you feel the despair but also give you a vision you desperately need of how determination in a person of good character can emerge strong from loss and tragedy. They can show how love in its many forms can persist and strengthen you.”

Erin Brockovich (2000)

The biographical film, Erin Brockovich, is about the true story of single mother, Erin Brockovich (Julia Roberts), and her battle against an energy corporation causing harm to the health of neighborhood citizens. Great performances include Albert Finney as Edward L. Masry and Roberts who won many Best Actress awards including the Academy Award and Golden Globe Award. This is a fantastic, engaging story overflowing with inspiring work and life lessons. See: movie trailer

This film gets better and better every time I see it! Erin demonstrates many leadership qualities that only emerged when faced with adversities and identifying a passionate goal to help a community while making a corporation accountable for unethical, illegal practices. Her inner strengths of resilience, tenacity, resourcefulness and indestructible optimism is inspiring to witness. At the same time Erin exhibited people skills that could be very compassionate but also abrasive and combative. Those latter points would come in handy in memorable, inspiring meetings with opposing counsel!

One of her special skills that astounded the lawyers was Erin's ability to remember phone numbers and details of all her 634 plaintiffs. I discovered that in real-life she developed this skill because she suffered from dyslexia and in order to cope she had learned mostly everything in her life through memorization.

When I discovered this fact I was further inspired by the film as well as the real-life Erin Brockovich! She truly demonstrated an optimistic mindset with her disorder and can be a shining example for others to successfully persevere and adapt to challenges. You can read more about this and other true or false points from the film here: History vs. Hollywood: Movies Based on True Stories

Inspiring Themes:
• Have a Vision/Goal
• Perseverance
• Persistence & Tenacity
• Resilience
Indestructible Optimism
• Strategic Thinking/Creative Thinking
• Problem Solving
• Resourcefulness
• Leadership
• Supportive Relationships/Teamwork
• Community Spirit
• Compassion

Stories of struggle and success in the movies can help motivate you to persevere in your own challenges at work or in life. And films that are based on true stories can add that extra dose of inspiration that overwhelming problems can be faced and solved. Amplify your own inner strengths, hope and drive with a powerful, uplifting movie today!

Related tips:
Tip#754: Strong Women in the Movies, Part 1 - Belle 
Tip#860: Strong Women in the Movies, Part 2 - Spy 
Tip#929: Strong Women in the Movies, Part 3 - Aliens 
Tip#930: Strong Women in the Movies, Part 4 – Mary Kom 
Tip#968: Strong Women in the Movies, Part 5 - Erin Brockovich
Tip#1024: Strong Women in the Movies, Part 6 - Women’s March – Made in Dagenham
Tip#937: Top 15 Inspiring Women in the Movies – International Women’s Day 2016
Tip#818: Be Inspired by Amazing True Stories, Part 7 – Big Eyes
Tip#501: How Women in Movies Inspire a Leadership Mindset – 10 Movie Tips

Top Inspiring Women in the Movies:
15 Films for Leadership at Work & in Life
The latest eBook by Emmanuel Lopez: Click Here

MOVIE MESSAGES OF HOPE: Fresh Air Show 14 minutes

Remember How Movies Can Help You: 
A) Entertain & Escape 
B) Re-energize & Release 
C) Inspiration & Motivation

Emmanuel Lopez-Motivatorman
The Movies-For-Motivation Speaker
Discover How Movies Inspire Resilience & Indestructible Optimism
See website:

© Emmanuel Lopez 2016

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