Sunday, March 13, 2016

Tip#938: Passion is Fuel, Part 4 - Pleasurable Activities - The Ramen Girl

“Every bowl of ramen that you prepare is a gift for your customer. The food that you serve your customer becomes a part of them. It contains your spirit. That’s why your ramen must be an expression of pure love. A gift from your heart.” 
The Ramen Girl (2008)

I recently launched my new eBook, Top Inspiring Women in the Movies, and I enjoyed the whole process creating it! I loved compiling the top 15 films, writing and editing the chapters, designing and illustrating the cover and then formatting the PDF. I enjoyed it because being creative is truly my biggest passion! And knowing the results of my passion also helps to empower others around the world excites me even further. It brings me joy and purpose.

Applying my creative talents is also a highly effective coping method for dealing with clinical depression. I had some high symptom days during the chilly months this winter and my passion for being creative with my eBook helped focus my mind and reduce the ruminating of negative thoughts and feelings of hopelessness and despair.

Classic breakfast at one of my favourite greasy spoon restaurants in Toronto, Billy's Souvlaki Place

Pleasurable Activities

As I’ve shared many times on this blog and in my motivational talks, watching movies helps me break the ruminating that occurs during depression as well as when I've felt stuck from unexpected adversities at work and in life. Food is another passion of mine. A classic eggs and sausages breakfast at a favourite restaurant always re-ignites my soul. The act of going to this location and ordering this type of breakfast is what Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) calls a pleasurable activity (see: tip#924).

A pleasurable activity is exactly what it sounds like and making a list of activities you love and love to do are critical to acting on when dealing with depression, anxiety or stress. CBT helps reprogram your mind with coping strategies like this to help you deal with situations that threaten your mental health. And so the sight, colours, aromas and tastes of a hot meal can really warm the soul when feeling down. Having delicious food is a powerful lifter for your spirit!

The Ramen Girl (2008)

The comedy drama film, The Ramen Girl, is about an American woman named Abby (Brittany Murphy) who is stranded in Tokyo after breaking up with her boyfriend. Through her despair she finds passion and direction in her life when she discovers the art of ramen cooking. This charming, funny movie is like a female Karate Kid film with ramen chef Maezumi (Toshiyuki Nishida) as Abby’s teacher (Sensei). See: movie trailer

There are so many life lessons in this film for re-igniting your passion, finding a career you love and even customer service lessons! There are also many magical moments of seeing Abby and other people in despair suddenly become transformed and joyful from a delicious, hot bowl of noodles. Abby’s passion for training to be a ramen chef gives her life sharp focus that was previously missing and becomes her fuel to sustain her during the harsh training of her Sensei. In the end it is invaluable life training that helps Abby find her true self and joy in life. I highly recommend this hidden jewel of a movie especially if you love food!

Inspiring Themes:
• Passion
• Perseverance
• Resilience
• Indestructible Optimism
• Vision & Focus
• Career Training
• Mentors
• Supportive Relationships
• Entrepreneurial Spirit
• Customer service

I have a strong passion for delicious foods, movies and being creative so these pleasurable activities always re-energizes my productivity, self-confidence and fuels me through difficult times and depression. These three passions allow feel-good brain chemicals like dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin and endorphins to flow and re-vitalize my mind. I highly recommend you identify your own passions and activities you love to do and consciously add them to your daily or weekly routines in life.

My eBook, Top Inspiring Women in the Movies features 15 movie heroes who demonstrate how passion is their fuel during difficult times. Check it out if you need some inspiration and motivation right now! See: more details

Always be aware and mindful of your passions and pleasurable activities. These are your primary resilience resources for getting unstuck when dealing with unexpected change, crisis or depression. The things you love and love to do are vital to your well being and will help you feel good when you need it most. Enjoy one of your passions today and feel instantly re-energized!

Related Tips:
Tip#151: Passion Is Fuel, Part 1 - The Forbidden Kingdom 
Tip#763: Passion is Fuel, Part 2 - Food Films - Chef
Tip#764: Passion is Fuel, Part 3 - Food Films - Haute Cuisine
Tip#938: Passion is Fuel, Part 4 - Pleasure Activities - The Ramen Girl 
Tip#924: Choose A Path, Part 2 - Pleasure Activities – Brooklyn

Top Inspiring Women in the Movies:
15 Films for Leadership at Work & in Life
A New eBook by Emmanuel Lopez: More details

on MOVIE MESSAGES OF HOPE: Fresh Air Show 14 minutes

Remember How Movies Can Help You:
A) Entertain & Escape
B) Re-energize & Release
C) Inspiration & Motivation

Emmanuel Lopez-Motivatorman
Motivational Speaker & Movie Blogger
Discover How Movies Inspire Resilience & Indestructible Optimism
See website:

© Emmanuel Lopez 2016

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:45 AM

    The orange on that plate looks like it could use a break.
