Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Tip#870: Great Teamwork Movies, Part 9 – Ant-Man

One week ago on July 15, 2015 my trusty vintage iMac died. After 9 amazingly productive years I felt I lost a good friend. On this computer I wrote over 800 movie tips for this blog and produced countless artworks, promotional graphics and videos. All my work and business was done on this iMac. It was my primary hub for corresponding with the world and using social media. Most of all this computer played countless movies that uplifted me during years of clinical depression and other unexpected crisis. It felt strange and profoundly quiet not having a computer this past week.

Other challenging events over the past week led to a depressive episode where I felt overwhelmed, lost and hopeless about my life and career. But what I’ve been training myself to do is reach out for help and was able to text two close friends about how I was feeling. Seeing their responses of support and talking to them later that day helped empower me again. Some people relate to teamwork mostly for the workplace or in sports and yet I see it as vital in my personal life. And it can be seen in nature such as the ever impressive ants!

Ant-Man (2015)

The superhero action film, Ant-Man, is about a scientist named Hank Pym/old Ant-Man (Michael Douglas) who passes on his shrinking technology and suit to burglar Scott Lang/new Ant-Man (Paul Rudd). Together with Pym’s daughter Hope (Evangeline Lilly) and Lang’s three friends they work together to stop Pym’s adversary Darren Cross/Yellowjacket (Corey Stoll) from abusing the technology. This entertaining adventure is filled with stunning visual effects at a shrunken world the size of an ant as well as many memorable and funny scenes! See: movie trailer 

Teamwork is highly demonstrated in the film both amongst humans and with ants. There are several groups of ants featured for their incredible teamwork abilities including worker ants (build bridges, ropes), bullet ants (potent sting) and flying ants (transportation). It’s exciting to see Ant-Man telepathically communicate his needs to these ants to achieve seemingly impossible goals. And the primary goals are ultimately achieved with the help of his human allies and friends.

See amazing video: Ants & teamwork

Seeing teamwork demonstrated in nature and in the movies can be inspiring to show you that goals can be accomplished once you reach out to others for help. Remember this whenever you feel stuck, lost or hopeless in the workplace or in your personal life!

Related Tips:
Tip#849: Great Teamwork Movies, Part 6 - Invictus
Tip#851: Great Teamwork Movies, Part 7 – Avengers: Age of Ultron 
Tip#865: Great Teamwork Movies, Part 8 – Eden Community Homes - Flight of the Phoenix
Tip#870: Great Teamwork Movies, Part 9 – Ant-Man

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Remember How Movies Can Help You:
A) Entertain & Escape
B) Re-energize & Release
C) Insights, Epiphanies & AHA moments

Emmanuel Lopez-Motivatorman
Motivational Speaker & Resilience Expert
Discover How Movies Inspire Resilience in Your Work & Life!
See website:

© Emmanuel Lopez 2015


  1. so sorry to hear about your computer, but you always take something good out of every situation. that's admirable.

  2. Anonymous7:57 AM

    It seems everyone is pleasantly surprised about how good it is.

    Paul K

  3. Anonymous9:45 AM

    Only Marvel can make a movie where you're sad about the death of an insect.

    C. Larsen

  4. Anonymous11:43 AM

    Went to see it last week while my grand-son was here, Emmanuel :) Thought it was going to be all "boom" "bang, bang" but noooo, I was pleasantly surprised!! I just loved the darn movie :)

