Wednesday, July 01, 2015

Tip#866: The Power of a Song - Ted 2

I just woke up from a vivid, full colour dream where I was on a glistening skyscraper high in the clouds about to jump off with an experimental red balloon. As I jumped the balloon cords got tangled and caught on the side of the skyscraper and lost some of its air. I felt calm and carefully freed the knots. All the while I was thinking that I could have just plunged to my death if I didn’t do anything. But since I remained positive I fixed the problem and floated down peacefully enjoying the incredible view. I could also hear a beautiful song called Mean Ol' Moon sung by Amanda Seyfried.

When I woke up I was aware I was given a beautiful metaphor for the long depression period I am currently experiencing (see tip#855). The song I heard has actually been in my thoughts ever since I first heard it in the comedy Ted 2. It comes from an unexpectedly beautiful moment in the movie and sung by Seyfried. The song's really been helpful in lifting my spirits when I feel down. I googled it afterwards and discovered Seyfried is a trained soprano and the song was written by director and star Seth MacFarlane to sound like a Great American Songbook Standard. Listen to the song: Mean Ol’ Moon

Ted 2 (2015)

The comedy film, Ted 2, is the sequel about a teddy bear come to life named Ted (Seth MacFarlane) who needs to legally prove that he is a person in order to have same rights to marriage and work. With the help of his friend John (Mark Wahlberg) and novice lawyer Samantha L. Jackson (Amanda Seyfried) they go on a quest filled with hilarious hit-and-miss jokes, profanity and drug-related escapades and a multitude of cameos and pop culture references. Not for everyone but if you like the humor of creator Seth MacFarland then check it out! See: movie trailer

The film is an interesting mix of a comedy in that it is also a social satire touching on civil rights of same-sex marriage and the slave era. MacFarlane also has a passion for classic Hollywood movies and songs so this film features a fantastic opening Busby Berkeley dance number and Seyfried’s magical performance of Mean Ol’ Moon. And thanks to MacFarlane I now have this beautiful song to listen to when I’m feeling down.

Make a list of your favourite songs that lift you up and make a play list you can go to when you are feeling down, depressed, lonely or lost. This is your Resilience Resource in case of emergencies! These songs may not solve your problems but they can keep you company and give you warmth and comfort during dark times. Make sure you add Mean Ol' Moon to your list!

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Remember How Movies Can Help You: 
A) Entertain & Escape 
B) Re-energize & Release 
C) Insights, Epiphanies & AHA moments

Emmanuel Lopez-Motivatorman
Motivational Speaker & Resilience Expert
Discover How Movies Inspire Resilience in Your Work & Life!
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© Emmanuel Lopez 2015

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