Sunday, December 16, 2012

Tip#613: Keep Hope & Joy Alive During the Holidays - While You Were Sleeping

For some, Christmas time can be a difficult time. In 2000 my father passed away suddenly just before Christmas and I miss him most this time of year. And yet he was the one who instilled a love for movies in me and I do my best to keep that joy alive especially during the holidays.

Movies are extra magical during the holidays. They always fill me with an uplifting energy and they help me feel more enthusiasm and hope. They remind me that everything will be okay whenever I feel down or lonely. And I always get excited when other movie lovers recommend a movie that synchronistically lifts my spirit at exactly the right time I needed it! This is one film I had never seen until someone recommended it recently…

While You Were Sleeping (1995)

The romantic comedy While You Were Sleeping is about Lucy (Sandra Bullock), a lonely transit token collector, who rescues the life of a commuter Peter (Peter Gallagher) she has a secret crush for. While he is in a coma Lucy is then mistaken as his fiancée by his family and relatives and immediately drawn into humorous situations of keeping up the false identity.

“I'd say that she gets under your skin as soon as you meet her. She drives you so nuts you don't know whether to hug her or, or just really arm wrestle her.”

“I want you... not to be unhappy”

What unfolds is a funny, heartwarming story during Christmas of this lonely woman being embraced by a loving family and finding romantic love unexpectedly. It's the type of story that can remind you that challenging situations can lead to positive and exciting opportunities. It's a reminder that synchronistic meetings with strangers can change your life for the better!

If you are feeling lonely or down this holiday remember to keep hope and joy alive with uplifting movies. Watch your favourite films that you know fill you with a warm glow. And be open to recommendations of movies you've heard of but never seen yet. This may be the perfect moment when you discover a new favourite to add to your library of uplifting, re-energizing resources!

“Movies for Motivation: How To Stay Strong in Difficult Times”
Read the Introduction and Chapter 1 now: Click here

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Emmanuel Lopez-Motivatorman
Author | Speaker | Movie Blogger
Personal & Professional Development for Movie Lovers
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© Emmanuel Lopez 2012

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