Sunday, October 17, 2010

Tip#396: Follow Your Desired Destiny – Hereafter

Destiny: something that is to happen or has happened to a particular person or thing; the predetermined, usually inevitable or irresistible, course of events

I've just experienced the best, most magical week since my life and career began to crash early this year. There have been so many career opportunities and synchronicities that they confirmed I'm still on track with my desired destiny despite recent life and career challenges (see tip#372)

The Marilyn Denis Show Audition

One of those opportunities included a video audition I created to be a regular on the new Marilyn Denis Show here in Toronto. I spent time writing the answers for the online entry form and culled footage of myself from last year's position as co-host on the video podcast show Mensch Life. My goal was to pitch myself as a Motivational Movie Expert. Here is the video: Click here

It felt like a magical step towards my destiny and dream of making a living from sharing my passion for movies. Creating the video was an absolute joy so I am fine with whatever the outcome is. I just felt fantastic from the whole week and it still got better when I followed my inner voice (and many synchronicities) to go see Clint Eastwood's new movie Hereafter. The movie ended up touching my soul so deeply I felt it was a motivational resource for even more exciting events to come into my life.

Hereafter 2010

The movie Hereafter tells of three parallel stories about three people affected by death in different ways. French journalist Marie (Cecile de France) survives a tsunami, a reluctant psychic George (Matt Damon) can communicate with the dead and young Marcus (Frankie McLaren) deals with the death of his twin brother Jason (George McLaren).

The film shows how each of the characters struggle with their experiences with death and how it alters their lives. Marie and Marcus are compelled to find answers to what happens to us when we die whereas George already knows there is an afterlife and views his gift mostly as a curse.

I was affected deeply from seeing this movie. There was a powerful mirror in all the main characters of times I've felt isolated and alone. And yet I was inspired by how they each persevered to follow their hearts. They each took action to follow their destinies despite the opposition of everyone around them. The results were extremely uplifting and inspiring to witness.

Deeply Satisfying

Going after what you want in your life or career takes courage and a strong will. Find the courage within you to take action towards your deepest desires. You'll be following a path that may define you as a specialist or expert in your chosen field. You may be creating a life for yourself that is exhilarating and deeply satisfying. You may be making a big difference in the lives around you.

In the end you'll be enjoying a journey full of passion. Isn't that a destiny you'd love to have?

See my audition video for
Toronto’s new Marilyn Denis Show:
Click here

Emmanuel Lopez-Motivatorman
Motivational Superhero at Your Service!
Motivational Speaker & Movie Blogger
See website:

© Emmanuel Lopez 2010


  1. i couldn't decide whether to see this film but your review made me really curious to see it. i seems somehow spiritual to me.

  2. Hope you enjoy Hereafter Candice. It is very spiritual for sure.


  3. Anonymous10:32 PM

    hi emmanuel..! thanks for your article about hereafter.. i can't wait to see it..! and your comment make me want to see it even more..
    i know that when the little boy and the french girl talks about life after death all the people don't take them seriously.. but when you believe to somethng.. and when you live something that nobody can understand.. you have to listen only to your heart..
    thanks for your article about hereafter ..
    see you very soon!
    à trés bientot (in french ;)
    Jennifer paris

  4. I was thinking of this film from long time but didn't get time. But your reviews made me curious to watch it.

  5. Sounds like a great movie, Emmanuel, and I appreciate the message you're passing on here: follow your passion and intuition to achieve your goals and dreams - and enjoy the process!
