Sunday, February 08, 2009

Tip#229: Start Connecting With Others - Meet John Doe

How you overcome the current economic challenges will depend on having an optimistic mindset. And one way to do this is to remember that people are your greatest resource for help.

The economic crisis that's now hitting the world is being compared to the great depression of the late 20's and 30's which lasted for years. The good news is there is all kinds of help out there and that I'm already a resource with effective advice for unexpected change and crisis. This blog of motivational tips was always meant to be an online resource for anyone around the world.

Social Networking Sites

There are many online resources to help you find supportive people. Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter are 3 social networking sites (also used for business) that have all provided me with meeting individuals who have helped me both personally and professionally.

Another new resource originating from Toronto is Daily and is all about building community through suggesting and doing daily acts of kindness. Famed spiritual guru Deepak Chopra is already a member.

I'm proud to say that I am friends with the creators of Daily and have created a special Motivatorman Minute video describing what they do and how it works. See my video: click here

Meet John Doe

The importance of connecting and supporting one another is explored in many Frank Capra movies such as It's A Wonderful Life and Mr. Deeds Goes to Town. I recently watched another that energized my optimism during this economic situation we are all in.

Meet John Doe stars Gary Cooper as a homeless man who accepts an unusual job of representing the everyday man for a major newspaper needing to boost sales. He ends up inspiring an entire nation with heartfelt speeches about the everyday person and how important it was to help one another in difficult times.

Being neighbourly and building community was the message of the movie and is a much-needed message for overcoming today's problems. You just have to take action and keep an open mind and heart when it comes to meeting new people in your own life.

We're All In The Same Boat

So remember that cultivating supportive relationships will help you overcome your current challenges. And those actions will help you build an optimistic mindset. Watch your favourite movies because that will also help increase your positive emotional energy.

We're all in the same boat so start connecting with others already near you. You'll be surprised at how good you feel knowing you are not alone in your challenges!

Take Action Now:

Connect with me now on these social sites and you will automatically be connected to my own list of contacts. Find me under: Emmanuel Lopez-Motivatorman. Take one step at a time to explore how these sites work and you will be surprised at the exciting opportunities waiting for you:

• click here
• click here
• click here
• click here

Emmanuel Lopez
Motivational Specialist
© Emmanuel Lopez 2009


  1. Anonymous1:52 PM

    Hey Emmanuel, What a great post.
    I agree with you in that the current economic times are effective everyone in one way or another. The topic has become a conversation starter, which in all honestly is very sad.

    We have to keep one thing in mind, that as a race we've been through more difficult challenges. And more importantly as individuals, we have the option to choose how long we want to feel sad/unhappy/mad/angry.

    Don't get me wrong, I believe that being able to experience every emotion is one of the foundations of being a human. But we also have to recognize that our emotions effect others. Just think about all the times where you walk into a room where 2 people are arguing, you immediate feel the tension in the room. On the other hand, when you walk into a room where 2 people are laughing, you also start to smile, even if you don't know what they are talking about.

    Also thank you so much for mentioning Daily Challenge. Your love and support for the project is much appreciated. We truely belive that if everyone commits to completing once small act of kindness, we can change our world, immediately!

    Keep up the great vibes,

  2. Anonymous2:14 PM

    Dear Motivational man.

    Thank you for encouraging me to think positively. I need that optimism especially when I attend interview after interview and come up empty handed. Thank you for keeping me motivated!

    Do have a great day.


  3. Anonymous11:14 AM

    Thanks for this post, Emmanuel! It’s both topical and extremely helpful. And thank you, Afshin, for reminding us all that we have the power to change how we're feeling at a moment's notice. My trick to do this is just to do something. I think action is the key to changing your state of mind.

    The Internet is a wildly useful tool, providing us the ways and means to take action and snap us out of destructive patterns. Tons of sites suggest alternative, more constructive ways of being. It’s a database of personal and social improvement tools!

    For instance, Motivatorman reminds us that there is always a bright side to any situation, and that having realistic optimism helps create the life you want. Daily Challenge gives us suggestions in how to be a little more social, spreading a little light in the world through small acts of kindness. And (shameless plug here), Live Lighter helps you lead a healthier, more balanced lifestyle so you can have the strength, power and energy to give the world your best self.

    The most important aspect of the Internet as a tool, though, is what this post is all about. It provides us social connections that help support change. It’s easy to not care and do nothing. Change is a challenge but with the help of a group, it’s so much easier!

    Obama (and JFK before him) has motivated people all over the world to take personal responsibility and do our part for the whole of society. I believe that all we have to do, at the bare minimum, to fulfill that responsibility is to do as much as we can to be a better person. The Internet was missing in the 60’s. It’s time for change. YES WE CAN!
