Sunday, October 12, 2008

Tip#196: Favourite Foods Will Lift You Up - Ratatouille

Food is a phenomenal resource for lifting up your spirits. Just the thought of your favourite foods can transport you instantly to happy memories of your past.

Recently I was feeling a little low energy and almost cancelled a meeting with my friend, the money guru. I'm glad I kept the meeting because he insisted we just celebrate life and go to Swiss Chalet for dinner. The instant he said that my eyes lit up and my energy jumped at the very thought. I realized we both had a passion for Swiss Chalet chicken and that excited me even more!

As we sat dining on the delicious, savory chicken and crispy fries drenched in Swiss Chalet's famous sauce we were both overflowing with positive emotional energy. I was smiling more and feeling empowered from the experience!

What was most amazing was that I was simultaneously transported to happy times as a child when my family and I dined at Swiss Chalet. I felt fantastic. I simply tapped into a hidden resource of energy within me.


The animated movie Ratatouille is all about a deep love for food. It tells the tale of a rat in Paris named Remy who has a passion for cooking. It is also about how a delicious meal can transform a negative mindset into a positive one.

There is a character named Anton Ego, voiced by Peter O'Toole, who is a food critic of such nasty proportions. He is mean-spirited, creepy and extremely frightening to look at.

But there is an incredible scene when he finally tastes Remy's cooking. Once he takes his first bite his eyes widen and is suddenly flashbacked to a moment in his childhood where he was feeling down and was comforted by his mother's cooking. It was a profound and universal truth about comfort food.

Comfort Food

Comfort food is exactly what it sounds like, food that comforts the soul and provides a sense of home. Anton Ego experienced that feeling and it transformed whatever negativity he'd being carrying all his life. That delicious meal he was served by Remy resurrected that missing happy part of himself that just got buried over time.

So remember the power of your favourite foods growing up. Realize that they are a passion that can re-energize you anytime you need it. Even just thinking of your favourites can activate positive emotional energy within you. Realize that you have this resource and it will transform your heart and mindset for the better.

And remember there is only one thing greater then indulging in your favourite foods and that is to share it with someone who shares your passion!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Other comfort food tips:
Tip#20: Comfort Food For Your Soul
Tip#111: Celebrate Food: Part 3

Emmanuel Lopez
Motivational Specialist
© Emmanuel Lopez 2008


  1. Anonymous1:08 PM

    Hi Motivational man.

    You make my taste buds feel for curry. I am deciding to make hot spicy curried goat dhalpouri roti curried channa (or chick peas) with potatoes, stewed chicken and pumkin on the side.

    Thanks for making me feel the urge for good old fashoned home cooked food today.

    Enjoy your day and happy Thanksgiving.

    A. Hal

  2. Anonymous12:30 PM

    Hi Emmanuel,
    Just reading about your experience with Swiss Chalet has put a smile on my face. Whenever I feel tired and emotionally drained, that is the one place I can go to and feel recharged afterward.


  3. Anonymous5:49 AM

    Happy Thanksgiving to you! I enjoyed your latest Motivational tip a lot. Ratatouille is one of my favourite movies! I love any movies with food in it! :o)

    Stephanie T.

  4. Anonymous3:40 PM

    Hi Emmanuel

    I think we should start a Swiss Chalet Fan club. What do you think?

    It is always fun reading your blogs

