Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Tip#43: Create A Soundtrack Of Your Life - High Fidelity

High Fidelity (2000)

The romantic comedy drama, High Fidelity, is about Rob (John Cusack), a record store owner and compulsive list maker, remembers his top five breakups and realizes it's time to grow up.

There's a memorable moment in the movie, High Fidelitywhere a friend helps John Cusack's character reorganize his record collection. He asks if it's going to be chronological or alphabetical. Cusack says no to both and then says, 'autobiographical'. All at once everyone in the audience of the theatre I was in moaned 'ohhh!' in complete understanding. Everyone just knew what Cusack meant.

Movie Themes

That's how I feel when I listen to favourite movie music. It feels autobiographical and it re-energizes me every time. Whenever I hear John Williams's Superman The Movietheme it always lifts my spirits and takes me back to great times in high school. Hearing "Moon River" from Breakfast At Tiffany'sbrings back happy memories from my childhood because my dad loved this song and movie. Somehow that music engrained those moments into me so that magically my father's spirit is with me again whenever I hear it.

The theme from The Godfatherand soundtracks from Local Hero,Gladiator,Titanicand James Bondmovies always transports me to memories that mark different times of my life. In fact my own recordings reflect my love for cinematic compositions like the instrumental tracks from my cd, Rain of Angels. It was fun composing the album as if it were the soundtrack for a movie that hadn’t been made yet. Looking back I realized I was creating the soundtrack for the movie of my life at the time. I was documenting my life through music.

Rain of Angels

My Rain of Angels album became a sonic bookmarker for an introspective and self awakening time in my life. Through lyrics and songs I was documenting my interests that started in 1994 of books like The Celestine Prophecywith it's eye opening concepts of energy and synchronicity. I also wrote lyrics exploring my passionate research into dreamstates, ufo's and chakra healing while imbuing my love for sci fi and fantasy movies into the album. Ultimately I created the album to lift my spirits during times of loneliness and it does so now whenever I listen to its songs.

Your Compilations

Now you don't have to compose your own music to create a soundtrack of your life. I'm sure you are already doing it with the popular new technologies of iPods and mp3's. And maybe you still have tape compilations you had growing up of songs you enjoyed listening to. Just keep in mind the re-energizing benefits behind music and songs that mean something to you. Your new awareness will be like a switch turning on for you to utilize the positive energy of music to recharge your batteries.

Music you connect with can lift you up whenever you're feeling low. It can bring back long forgotten times of fun and joy filling you up like hot chocolate on an icy day.

Music is like the secret time travel key to going back in time to special moments in your life and bringing those "feel good feelings" to the present to revitalize you. Your play lists can be used anytime to re-energize or calm your troubled mind. It's fast and instantaneous.

So start creating a soundtrack of your life today. Make new compilations with a new awareness of the power of music. Document where you've been and how far you've come in life through your favourite tunes. Someone somewhere will want to hear your story and your autobiography is the music you love.

"Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life."
Berthold Auerbach

"Music at its essence is what gives us memories."
Stevie Wonder

"Music melts all the separate parts of our bodies together."
Anais Nin

Emmanuel Lopez
© Emmanuel Lopez 2007


  1. Anonymous12:25 PM

    I resonate with every word you are writing down below as when I wrote to my father how lonely I felt being in Canada way back, first time around, he compiled about 15 of his favourites from classical to jazz and sent this little cassette tape with a cover saying: WITH GOOD MUSIC, YOU ARE NEVER ALONE....your dad

    I treasure this and my love for music stems from him also, and even though he passed away 20 yrs. ago, I carry on the torch of love for music which reflects in my collection of approx. 400 CDs from around the whole wide world.

    Judith C. Hart

  2. Great Idea! I will do that.

  3. I love this idea. I've been making my tape and cd compilations off and on for years. Depending on what is going on in my life and what music is new and released.

